Our middle daughter recently had 10.5 inches (27 cm) of her hair cut for
"Locks of Love," an organization which makes wigs for cancer and other hair-lost patients. Stylist
Kim Hart cut her blond hair at
Cole's Salon. See her older sister's hair donation
Barbie hair... :)
Your daughter looks so cute, Leif! A noble...
Terrific. Now how long does third daughter have to wait to join her two sisters in this generous effort? Kudos to her, too.
Il y a une expression française : « Se faire des cheveux » qui veut dire : se faire du souci.
Ici, l'on se défait de ses cheveux quand on se soucie des autres.
On pourrait peut-être traduire par :
There is a French expression: "Make hair", which means to worry.
Here it makes (off) hair when it worries about others.
A good cause. And their hair will grow back if they don't choose to keep the shorter hair style, although I have no idea how long it would take.
This is such a wonderful thing! Your daughter has beautiful hair.
Eine wirklich gute Sache. Leif, du kannst stolz auf deine Madels sein! Svea, das finde ich einfach super.
You published last year on the same subject, is not it ?
Leif, you are doing something right to raise such generous kids.
Hils Svea, og si at HUN gjør noe kjempebra for et annet menneske!
Vi er imponerte, over jentene deres!
Det flotte håret vokser garantert langt igjen ganske fort!
Hilsener fra Gunn og Steve.
Your daughter is beautiful, and I commend her for her noble action.
Good for your daughters. Nice to see children think of others. They must have had someone be a good influence on them.
Darryl and Ruth :)
She is nice with short or long hair. Very good she collaborates with people that needs. Sweet photos.
Barcelona Daily Photo
My friend just donated her hair as well! Such a great cause. And your sweet daughter looks great in her new short haircut :D
How fantastic Leif, you are teaching your children well!! What beautiful hair they have, but both look gorgeous with their shorter styles too.
I remember seeing one of your other daughters doing the same, right? What a beautiful gesture!
wow, that is a lot of hair!
What a great contribution.
We leave on different planets.
So wise to raise daughters with knowledge that they help people. never heard about smth like that here.
Leif, both your daughters have such beautiful hair, no doubt their donation will go a long way. Congratulations to them for their generosity.Congratulations to you for raising them in such generous spirits.
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