On Tuesday, November 8,
Steven Butler is asking for your vote to give him a 4 year seat on the
Independent School District 196 Board. Seven members comprise the board of which four are seeking re-election. Married with four daughters who attend(ed) schools in 196, Steven hopes to represent our city in the
Eagan, Rosemount, Apple Valley district.
Trying to determine who to vote for these days can be tough... hope his vision works for the best.
As a campaign technique, I like the concept of asking a question on his signs. It engages the reader and causes one to think, more so than just a slogan that the reader can skim over and not think about.
Dann mach mal Dein Kreuz an der richtigen Stelle. Du hast die Qual der Wahl! Und nach der Wahl geht es in eine Konditorei.
how peaceful. good luck for him; and a nice thursday for you all.
Good luck!
Good that people say YES to take part.
If you say he's okay, I'd vote for him.
Allison's husband?
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