These Highway 77 bridges cross the Minnesota River between Eagan and Bloomington. Luckily, a generous highway side apron gives emergency vehicles and bloggers the chance to safely pull over! See other BRIDGES at Louis la Vache's weekly Sunday Bridge meme here.

Those twin bridges look so sturdy. There seem to be a lot more of them in WV & PA than in NC! Glad you could pull over to snap. Alternatively, we could do what Susie of Arabia does, have a driver!
If you get a chance, check out my Sunday religious post. I think that's when you usually stop by anyway. Have you heard of Jackie Evancho before?
Fine bridges - are they painted rusty or do they need paint?
Good looking bridges, just need a can of Rustoleum! :-)
After the collapse of 35W I get a little apprehensive crossing old bridges. Hope this one has a strong underpinnings.
Nice! I like to call these "rainbow bridges" for their shape. :)
Cool. Can't wait to cross the Snake river on a similar one!
I had the same thought as Kate. Minnesota and old bridges rekindles tragic memories.
That is a neat matching set.
...and an interesting contrast having just come from Tanya's post where there was lamentations about having absolutely NO room to pull over!
Simple but very nice design. Have a wonderful Sunday!
These twins make for a great photo!
It looks amazing! Greetings ;)
They may be rusty, but they make a great pair of arches under which to drive. Great interesting. There is nothing like a set of identical twins!
I always find I want to take photo's on highway bridges, unfortunately here there are no shoulders to pull off and take a photo. I like this photo!
It needs tons of paints :)) but even rusty, it certainly looks nice to photograph.
I love these designs.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
What an interesting photo, Leif! I like the perspective!
aw aw ...
Is it safe to cross over? :)
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