My father-in-law celebrated his
70th birthday with the whole Lee family gathered for dinner at
Jensen's Supper Club in
Eagan. Tasty drinks, delicious food and wonderful family time were enjoyed in a beautiful restaurant. The photo was taken before our food arrived.
I hope he had a great birthday celebration! Looks like he did!
More revelry?! It's a very good-looking family, especially the younger members!!
It's not too often you find a restaurant that has a nice relish tray on the table...
Happy Birthday Father-in-law!
Nachträglich alles Liebe und Gute zum 70. Geburtstag, Herr Lee. Wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin gute Gesundheit, Zufriedenheit und eine Menge Spass mit Ihrer netten Familie.
Monica, Peter, Martina, Julia & Sergio
Re the relish tray - Allison sent me an e-mail that you were arrested leaving the restaurant for trying to hide the relish tray - food and all - under your jacket...
«Louis» (a.k.a. "Maytag the Agitator") knows that rumor is true because he started it himself....
Some great slice of life photos lately! Especially love the snazzy samoyed. I see we both love to follow Dina on Jerusalem Hills Daily Photo.
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Happy birthday for your father-in-law's 70th birthday.
I guess I'm with Jarart here.
Happy Birthday Father-in-law!
Happy Birthday to your father-in-law!
It is nice to do this kind of thing. We all got together here not long ago and had a dinner together and I still remember it with some fondness.
And you dare ask me about eating? Hah! You are toooooo much!
But, it doth look like fun. I hoped you picked up the tab!
happy birthday to father in law!!
I loved Jensen's when I was living there. I'm glad to know it's still around.
I just don't know how to put music on your blog!!!
Hope the day was fine, looks like a nice celebration. Happy birthday:)
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