Over 100 school students from 7 states came to the
Eagan Civic Arena for the
2010 WSSA Central Regional Sport Stacking Championships. Individuals and teams raced in the timed and judged table competitions.
"Wonderful Pistachios" deliciously sponsored the event.
I am the only one on the planet who didn't know about this sport? Thanks for opening my eyes to sport stacking.
What, pray tell, are they stacking? Something difficult I imagine!
Love your slice of life shots!!!! The "round" of bowling shoes is brilliant. Funny we both did bowling.
They are stacking plastic, colored cups. Stacks of 3 cups, 2 cups atop the 3 and 1 on top of all. I had never seen that before either! Those kids were really fast and enthusiastic about it!
Wow Leif! I love the Trophies! You can never get wrong that it's from a Stacking Competition :D And of course, Your shot was really great featuring the emotion of the kids while their in action! Love it! Have seen a cCompetition here in The Philippines once and Saw a Pinoy (Filipino) Kid there on the states won a Championship on the News :D
I've seen people do this with un-human-like speed! These kids must practice like crazy. The trophies are cute too :D
I just knew at the end of this competition the prize would involve some kind of food. Sometimes I think you're just plain nuts! ;-)
Kate left a comment on Julie's Scottsdale Daily Photo site drawing a parallel between your stacking contest and the stacked rock art that she showed. I commented that the fondness that you expressed for summer art festivals showed your Minnesota location, as in Scottsdale there are art festivals any time of the year except summer.
I had never heard of competitive stacking, but it sounds like a fun, wholesome activity, and you don't have to be big or tall like you do in football or basketball.
When my brother (now resident of St. Cloud, MN) and I were quite young, we used to play a game called Blockhead, which consisted of wooden blocks of many various shapes. The object was to tack turns stacking the blocks as high as possible without your block being the one that would cause the pile to crash down. Sound simple, but it was fun to us. Nowadays, they probably have a video game version of it.
Beautiful and lovely shots !!
Wow, I remember having my students do this when I taught kindergarten. It's a great way to practice hand/eye coordination. I never knew there were actual competitions.
Dina, I haven't seen anything like this either. Thanks to Leif for showing us and for the explanation.
I will have to Google this.
Hi Leif,
ich habe schon von dieser relativ neuen Sportart auch hier in Deutschland gehört. Da muss man ja super schnell sein. Das ist eher was für die jüngeren. Ich schreib Dir morgen in Ruhe eine Email. Herzliche Grüsse aus Berlin
I must confess, I have absolutely no idea what this is about. But I know pistachios. They are green.
50% off sale tomorrow for the gentleman : LOL
Where have I been? I've never heard of this sport before! Interesting, as always, Leif!
As well for me, this's something new. Yet assume of great fun for the kids.
Glad to see as well a bit of spring in your new header. A wonderful Sunday for you all.
No, Dina, you aren't the only one who had never heard of this!
Must be a side effect of eating too much lutefisk up there in Minny-sota...
This is a new one for me, too. Whatever next?
The hand-eye coordination of these kids must be fantatsic.
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