Will, 16, and Lauren, 14, were practicing their
ballet duet with their teacher, Stacy, who formerly danced with the
Royal Winnipeg Ballet. Lauren has been dancing since age 3 and Will started dancing 6 years ago. They dance at
Spotlight Productions, one of Eagan's more popular dance studios.
Are any of your girls taking ballet lessons? It seems that it a dream of many little girls. The reality is lots of hard work! Hope these two become very successful!
All 3 of our daughters study ballet there, too. The older ones take tap and jazz as well.
I love ballet. It is so graceful and one of the best things there is for good exercise.
Interessant og flott foto. Jeg liker det at du fikk med speilet i bildet, og danserne ser ut som det er enkelt, noe det sikkert ikke er....
I remember once many moons ago when I accidentally stepped on a ballerina's foot. She was very upset with me.
belle photo avec le reflet dans la glace
Nice picture! My daughter took ballet for 6 years when she was little. It certainly gave her great confidence since she had to get on a stage every year during their recitals.
I used to do this when I was younger. Now I just enjoy watching others. It is such a beautiful art form!
Look at her long, beautiful arms. Thank you for taking us to the ballet studio.
I love the reflection in the mirror! She's so pretty.
Things get interesting there, very nice picture. I spent one of the happiest afternoon of my life taking pictures in a ballet school. Long time ago...
Lieber Leif,
vielen Dank für Deine Mail ich habe mich sehr gefreut von Dir zu lesen. Und auch das Du nicht böse bist das wir uns lange Zeit nicht gehört haben. Aber wichtig ist ja das man den anderen nicht vergisst auch wenn es mal länger dauert.
Ich werde jetzt auch wieder langsam anfangen Bilder zu posten nicht jeden Tag ...aber so wie es geht.
Der Wettbewerb am 15 January ...Best Photo of 2009. Wie ist das gemeint...soll man ein Bild posten was man 2009 schon einmal gepostet hat oder ein neues von 2009???
Herzliche Grüsse aus dem weissen Berlin
Nice picture !!
It sure is a very clever delicate thing to get into.
The young lady looks very graceful. Nice image, Leif. It's a pleasure to see the clean-cut young people. A nice reminder that not all the world looks like Telegraph Avenue in The People's Republic of Berserkeley.
Balance - probably the most difficult, yet most successful mean of movement.
Please have you all a wonderful Wednesday.
If te teacher danced with the Winnipeg ballet then she knows her stuff!
What are you doing hanging around in a ballet studio? Oh, that's right, your daughters are studying ballet. And I thought you were just trying to get in out of the cold. Like a spy.
I wasn't a ballet sort of little girl, but admire the ballerina's grace!
I'm always amazed by what ballet dancers can do! They must work really hard :)
Nice photo, both dancers look very graceful. When I was little I was so much in love with ballet but my parents never took me seriously. Instead they enrolled me in a math club :) and I became an engineer. No glamor but better paycheck most of the time :)
woohoo yea lauren!!! :)
I just saw their duet when we went to encore (dance competition) and it was pretty much amazin!!!!!
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