Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A noble & celebratory cause

In celebration of Eagan's 150 years, the city has set a goal of collecting 150,000 pounds of food this year for the needy families served by the Eagan Resource Center.


Kate said...

It is a wonderful goal, Leif. I cannot imagine hungry families in our metropolitan areas, but it is an all too true and a tragic reality. These are hard times for many, many people!

Olivier said...

un superbe objectif pour une belle cause, bravo à la ville d'Eagan

Jørgen Carlsen said...

Good luck collecting foods. Poverty is usual connected with pre-christmas-time in Denmark, but at the moment there is a general discussion of the subject and it does not seem easy to make a strict definition of poverty.

Dina said...

150,000 pounds, wow! How much does a can weigh? I see many there that I remember from childhood.

Louis la Vache said...

Very worthy. «Louis» hopes the goal is well-exceeded. No doubt, even in a small city like Eagan, the need is great.

Gunn said...

"The beginning is half of the work...." as we say here.
I guess you will reach the goal soon.

Lois said...

That sounds like a very worthy cause!

Carlos Lorenzo said...

Leif, that's a lot of food. Causes are great, if meaningful. Providing the needed with food is an important one.

Bergson said...

excellent transaction

Lowell said...

That's a good goal! Notice, though, this is another post about food! Dost thou think you might have an "obsession"?

And speaking of me getting on exercise equipment - the only exercise I've seen you doing in recent months was raising hand with spoon filled with food to mouth! Heh, heh!

Unknown said...

A great cause indeed!

Carraol said...

Excellent, it looks like a worthy cause! Never is enough when is about to give help for the needed people.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

A good display, a good cause, and a good time to remember that so many pounds of food need to be collected because so many are doing without. A contrast with the previous post.
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Kaori said...

I hope you reach your goal! Is this an annual thing? How much do you usually collect?

Unseen Rajasthan said...

All the Best to the volunteers working on the project !!

Anonymous said...

I feel compelled to say hello. I work for Thomson Reuters in Rochester, NY, but the majority of my colleagues are in your backyard! Cheers! Renee

magiceye said...

congratulations and best wishes!

Aimz said...

yes that's definitely a worthy cause!

VP said...

That's a lot of food, good luck Eagan!

Pat said...

Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll let us know how your drive turns out!

Hilda said...

Now that's a wonderful way to celebrate your 150th birthday! Bless you all.

Stefan Jansson said...

Not a bad way to celebrate 150 years.

Andreea said...

A wonderful cause Leif, wish you good luck with reaching your goal.

Anonymous said...

Good capture of colors, textures and contrasts. Good cause, too!