Sunday, January 17, 2010

Family skating event

Ice skating on Saturday was an Eagan 150th birthday event at Clearwater Park from 10 AM to 6 PM. We skated from 1 PM - 2 PM with a handful of others. Maybe everyone else came in the morning or skated later in the afternoon?


Adam Adam said...

I really like read Your blog.
Your photos and articles are very good!

Dina said...

Your girls are SO cute.

I haven't had a chance to skate outside since the late 1950s. Our school would flood the boys' playground in the winter in Chicago.

brattcat said...

It looks like it was quite a nippy day.

Kate said...

The girls look quite happy, and why not?! It's always great to see parents out with their children, all having fun. Great clothes on all of them!

Lowell said...

It doth look like you had the place to yourselves...what great fun.

Why no other people? Well, did you shower in the morning? I mean, really. What do you expect? Heh, heh!

Lowell said...

Oh...what's happened to Allison? I rather miss her smart-alecky comments! Perhaps she turned over a new "leif" for the New Year?

Anyhoo, say "Hello" when she brings you your coffee and Danish tomorrow!

Jørgen Carlsen said...

Your fine skatingphotos makes me think back to skatingexperiences as a child - it was funny.

Judy said...

Adorable shot! I love those outfits.

Rob Siemann said...

Nice trio! Still getting ready for the winter olympics?

irinapictures said...

What a sporty and trendy trio! They made me smile :-)

Unknown said...

Now I see what you mean in your comment! :-) The girls are so colourful and lovely! And also opposite to us you have sunshine!

SouthvilleSunshine said...

What a fab trio :)

Lachezar said...

Yes, very different from a beach shot in New Zealand, but you can see the joy snow brings on their faces!
Cheers Leif

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Your girls look so cute. I love their outfits. "Eagan 150th bitdhday" - a very grand age to reach.
Melbourne Daily Photo

Susie of Arabia said...

Are they cute!!! Love their colors against the ice and snow.

Gabriele said...

First let me say : Happy Birthday Eagan!
Leider muss ich jetzt in Deutsch weiter schreiben...Du weisst mein English ist eine Katastrophe. Die beiden cute dogs sind von meiner BFF. Sie hat beide vor 2 Wochen gekauft. Sie sind total süss machen aber viel Arbeit. Du weisst ich bin ein grosser Dogfan. Meinen Poodle Spike hasst Du ja schon gesehen. Und ich freue mich auf Dein Dogphoto nächste Woche.

Have a nice Sunday;-)...und herzliche Grüsse!

VP said...

This is way better than the black coats! Cute girls and so... colorful outfits!

Louis la Vache said...

No they heard you were coming and scattered! They've seen you on ice before!


That was «Louis» that caused them to clear out.


Mistaken identity.

You've got to admit une vache on blades would cause some concern among the citizenry!

Joking aside, those kids are cute!

Anh Brown said...

Your girls are quite fashionable on the ice! So adorable! This photo made me nostalgic for Stevens Point, and my sisters skating on the playground ice rink at Emerson Elementary School. Those were wonderful times! Thanks for sharing a beautiful photo! Cheers from Texas!

Aimz said...

They look very well wrapped up for the cold :-)

gogouci said...

This is so super cute it made me smile.

Fajrin said...


Paty said...

how cute! i love the colors on their clothes!

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Adorable threesome. Wow it looks cold... brrr...

Eleonora xx

Gordon said...

Very colourful outfits; nice to keep warm.

Andreea said...

Aaa, the Olympic Team again :) Trying their hands at all the winter sports. And cute as always :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Cute kids! And the weather looks great. It's crazy that the "crowd" was so small.

Gunn said...

Tre nydelige prinsesser på isen....
I guess you all had fun!!

Halcyon said...

Sweet! Looks like you went shopping at the blue pants store. ;-)

Must have been nice to have the whole lake to yourself!

valeria said...

It must be real fun for the three sisters. I love their outfits!!

Kaori said...

I LOVE skating! Skating outside is very rare here...sounds like great fun! And ofcourse, the girls are cute as ever ;D