Monday, January 18, 2010

Coffee break time

Over 50 business owners and leaders met for an 8:30 coffee break at Home Federal bank in Eagan on Thursday, January 14. The event was sponsored by the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce. Networking and introductions made up the agenda.


Olivier said...

des beaux sourires pour accompagner le café ;)

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Hi Leif !! It looks like you had a Great Business discussion that day !! Great.

Louis la Vache said...

Ol' «Louis's» Caffeine Meter is in the danger zone! E-mail a cuppa joe to him, willya?!

Andreea said...

There's nothing better than a coffee break to help start the day with enthusiasm :) Judging by those smiles looks like the networking was going good :)

Verna Luga said...

Great looking ladies, hope they can come to Davao City to consider our city for some investment ...

Lowell said...

Chambers of Commerce and Rotary Clubs appear to live to eat and drink (coffee). Especially in Minneesota! But then, what else is there to do in that barren, snow-scarred landscape?

Oh, never mind. Leif, you shouldn't even be thinking that way!

Ineke said...

Leif can i ask you something completely irrelevant that struck me when i saw this photo?
We dutch have a fair amount of white/blond haired children. I was one myself. As we grow older though, we get darker so not always, but i'd say over 50% of the grown up blond women here, died their hair. How's that over at your place?

Aimz said...

Can't miss coffee time!