Saturday, January 16, 2010

Black coats R US

At a nearby Macy's department store recently, I spotted a huge selection of BLACK coats. No green, no brown, no blue - just black. Weird!


Kate said...

Must be a classy outlet for Goths. PS. You didn't tell us why you chose the photograph you posted yesterday. Keep your promises, Leif! Or, did I miss it?

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Hi Leif !! So many designs to choose from !! This is Fantastic and Great !!

brattcat said...

I guess black is the new black this fashion season.

Janet said...

Must be the IN color this year!

Rob Siemann said...

Therefore this is a black and white picture, with some colors thrown in.

Lowell said...

The coats up front are replicas of Navy pea coats, but should by "Navy" blue!

This is strange, but perhaps it was done in honor of a Minneesota winter? Gray, gray, and more gray?

Oh, you said "black." Well, then, a Minneesota heart?

Heh. Heh.

Have a great weekend. Try to stay out of church and trouble!

Gabriele said...

Ich mag die Farbe schwarz bei Klamotten. Gehst Du gerne einkaufen? Männer stehen meistens nicht auf Shopping. Ich finde sie sehen klasse aus und sind gut zu kombinieren.
Ich wünsche Dir lieber Leif ein schönes Wochenende. Bei uns soll es morgen wieder neuen Schnee geben...mal sehen.
Herzliche Grüsse aus Berlin

cieldequimper said...

I won't complain, I love black.
That's why I bought myself a red, orange and yellow hat today. At 10€ in the sale for pure new wool, I thought it would brighten my BLACK!

Louis la Vache said...

It's the color of the national mood as a result of the shenanigans on Capitol Hill...

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

Yikes, it looks like a monks' convention. Or is it the epitome of style, and I'm out of sync? Alas, the latter...

Unknown said...

Some people say 'black is beautiful':)
Something new here..I saw 'Toy R US'.

Dina said...

Got a community of ultra-orthodox Jews nearby?

Pat said...

While in Doha, Qatar, I came across a women's 'abaya' (their robes) shop. It was so depressing---all black! In fairness though, some 'abaya' had embroidery on the sleeves.

VP said...

This is really odd!

Aimz said...

gosh hmm ok black black black...I wonder if many people frequent the shop?

Andreea said...

:) Looks weird indeed. Can't say I like black too much, so they lost me as a customer :)

Stefan Jansson said...

Black is the new Black.