Our family went to the
Regal 16 Cinema down Cliff Road to see the new movie,
"Alvin & the Chipmunks." Two adult and three children tickets cost
$36! Sticker shock for me; I guess I don't get out enough?! But our daughters really laughed and enjoyed the film.
here to see a prior posting about the
Regal 16 movie screen theater.

hi leif! happy new year to you too! just got back from our trip! ^0^
haha, the movie tickets these days can be a little pricey, but the important thing is that the kids have fun watching it! ^0^
i can also see the Nine movie is showing already... would love to watch that. ^0^
Since our "kids" are now grown, we are spared some of the Disney, etc. movies, good as they are. I really do not enjoy the large theatre complexes, but love Edina, Highland, and Grandview to name a few. To me, small is better! Prices are better, too. Hang in there: there's always senior discounts to look forward to!!
( Happy new year!! )
Ah, but did you enjoy the movie?
My youngest daughter who lives with us now, took the grandchild to see Avatar (think that is the name of it) the other afternoon and paid $15.00 for both tickets. They said it was a nice movie and they liked it.
I haven't been in a movie theatre for years----I guess I know why now. LOL I know when I give my Grand-daughter ticket money I always say "HOW MUCH???" She laughs. I am glad you all had a good time and now are talking in squeeky little voices. MB
It Seems your family had a great time enjoying the movie !!
We, too, took our son and his two little cousins and tab for tickets here in Houston was $31.25. But then the food was additional $27!!! We must remind AJ about "delayed gratification"...and wait for the video! We did have a great time laughing and gushing over how cute the "Chipettes" were.
Movie tickets cost €5 to €8 ($7.15/11.45) here depending on the theaters.
-25ºC??? OH MY! I have no idea what that is! :-) My worst experience was in Madrid: -6ºC... Ok, I've been to the glaciers in Patagonia, Argentina (in summer!) and it was absolutely freezing but I never knew what was the temperature there... :-)
Most movie theaters in San Francisco charge $10-$11/adult ticket so the price doesn't come as a surprise for me. Alvin seems to be a worldwide audience success, my 5 year old niece also went to see it yesterday and kept raving about it when she and her parents came to visit after the movie.
Oi veh, big bucks.
The last photo is like "Beam me up" transporter.
That is a lot to pay for a movie! I usually watch movies at home because I can never talk anyone into going to see movies I like.
So how much did the popcorn set you back? It amazes «Louis» how they try to pay the month's rent for the theater with what they charge for a small popcorn... ;-0
Time has changed for sure a lot. Just am waiting until my son will grow up enough to 'enjoy' the movies. Until now he luckily happy with a book...
Please have a wonderful start into the new week.
'The Squeakquel', that's cute :D
I can remember when I was a kid and my mom would send my brother and I off with $10 to cover bus fare, the movie and popcorn at the theatre. Not to sound old, but when we take our kids to the movies, I am shocked every time! And what's even more appalling is that they actually ASK for money to help out around the house ON TOP of it!! Ah, kids these days. But hope you all enjoyed the Chipmunks this aft before they head back to school tomorrow!!:)
I think it's not very expensive compared to France. I never go to what we call multiplexes (where one can eat popcorn, the smell of which makes me sick :-)))))
We are very lucky in Montpellier. The "Cinéma Diagonal" shows films in English (en version originale as we say). I buy a "card" that allows me to see 15 films. I think it costs me about 4 or 4.5 euros every time I go there. A few years ago there were 4 or 5 Diagonals in Montpellier.
I forgot to tell you the normal entrance rate:
About 10 euros, which means at least 13 US dollars!!!!
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