Monday, February 28, 2011

Making marvelous MacPhail music

Our two younger daughters study Suzuki violin at the nearby MacPhail Center for Music. On Saturday mornings, they have group practices and here you see the older group.


Dina said...

Sweet. Do they sound as good as they look?

Kate said...

Perfect monochrome! I always enjoy photos showing the backs of children...all so healthy and lucky, I guess, to receive such good health care.

Halcyon said...

Music is so important. Glad your girls are learning to appreciate it at a young age. :)

Lois said...

How wonderful!

Gabriele said...

Ich dachte schon deine camera ist kaputt wegen Schwarz/weiss...aber das soll ja so sein! Ich finde es gut wenn Kinder ein Musikinstrument spielen lernen. Herzliche Grüsse von uns 2 :)

Irredento Urbanita said...

There is nothing better than seeing a child making music.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

A well played violin is a beautiful thing. The tough part is all the stuff that happens before it's well played. Still, it looks like fun and you have to be encouraged about kids who dutifully practice on Saturday.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Jack said...

I hope these kids appreciate, either now or in the future, the opportunities they have been given to learn to play the violin.

Pat said...

Good for them. There are several excellent music schools here that take young children. I have absolutely NO musical talent....

magda said...

To rejoice, your daughters are wonderful !!!
Warm regards of Greece !

Amanda said...

Well done to your daughters. My son used to play the cello, but gave it up :( I keep telling him he'll regret it it when he's older!

Suke Semarang said...

Seems like a cool stuff to do, like violins too,