Konnichiwa! On Friday afternoon while my wife, daughters and I were enjoying coffee and treats at the
"Pardon my French" cafe', I overheard four women speaking
Japanese behind me. They were surprised to hear me suddenly
speak Japanese to them! I presented them my green blog business card; then they consented to being photographed with my cameraphone. All four live in different suburbs in the Twin Cities. Originally, they came from
Osaka, Hiroshima, Chiba and Shizuoka. Sayonara!
They must have been delighted! I tend to avoid french speakers abroad, but then, it is not the same.
I am sure they were surprised to hear that you are from Gero Onsen of Hida Takayama. I wonder what they are all doing in Minnesota? Studying English? Expat wives? Nan darou ne?
It is really surprising to hear an American talking Japanese :) They will be delighted to see their faces here on this page of yours. Looks like they were ready for the shot. :)
c'est un bon moyen d'apprendre les langues etrangeres. 4 beaux sourires
What great fun!
This reminds «Louis» of years ago when he was running the night crew of a Safeway store. Two Chinese members of the night crew were speaking to each other in Mandarin. «Louis» said to them, "You should be careful what you are saying. I understand every language but Greek." They must have been saying something colored as they both blushed. «Louis» said, "I'll prove it. Say something to me in Mandarin." One of them did, to which «Louis» replied, "That's Greek to me!"
Wow, what a nice thing to do. To speak to them was really a nice thing, I think. And it looks like you made friends fast. I used to be relucant to speak to people I see here in Japanese because I have done that several time and realized I was ignored because the people were Koreans. I should be able to tell the difference, because there is a difference, but I have been gone from the Far East too long to easily recognize the Japanese and Koreans from distinctive races and cultures.
What a great looking group! I'm sure they were very surprised and delighted.
A nice shot of happy women.
I have been to Japan once, and most people I meet put their fingers up, as saying "Peace/love" so my first thought was that they must have been away from Japan for quite some time....
Japan is unique, and to everyone; add JAPAN to the list of places to go to.
Hi, I'm pure Japanese live and work in Eagan. The other day I found your blog and enjoy reading it.
I didn't know you could speak Japanese, it is so cool! I usually don't have the oppotunities to speak Japanese (because I never see Japanese in Eagan and no Japanese in office). These Japanese women were so surprised, but they must be glad to meet you. Lucky them!
Japanese people are often very nice. I made a new friend from Hiroshima not long ago.
I have mentioned you on my blog today :-)
That is fantastic, Leif! I had a French speaking patient this morning and could have used your help as my French has been replaced with Spanish! The lady on the far right looks just like a cousin of mine! That was the first thing I noticed!
I'm impressed you can speak Japanese
Hai! First it's food and now it's beautiful women! You must be a connoisseur of both. That's what Allison said, anyway. Can I believe Allison?
Impressive indeed. Guess it was nearly as difficult to learn, as Greek for me - which took me three years. Am currently in my first year with Japanese and hope to do a language exam in two years time.
Please have you all a wonderful Wednesday.
daily athens
Tanoshi-so! It's so hard to find japanese people in the midwest. I remember a couple who drove almost 2 hours to come to our Japanese Church when I was in MI. It's actually nice for people who want to learn english to not be surrounded by japanese speakers, but then sometimes you just want a piece of home! Great photo Leif!
...a blog business card? What a good idea!
I so envy you for knowing japanese!!!
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