65 vendors welcomed throngs of people into the gymnasium of the
Eagan Community center on Saturday, January 30 for an indoor
community garage sale. Sale items included: antiques, jewelry, arts & crafts, books, kid's items, household goods, clothes, toys, beauty products, food items and much more!
une immense brocante bien au chaud, c'est sympa
Et flott oversiktsbilde. sikkert mye spennende og mye skrot.
Jeg haaper du fant noe kjekt!:-)
I love these things!
Wow this is so nice !! I really appreciate this !!
So big! So orderly! So much space in between!
Are you sure this is a garage sale?
Too bad this system is not common in Israel. Once or twice a year a few Anglos will get together for a yard sale, but that's about it.
Any nice cowbells there «Louis» might like?
Did you get any treasures?
Photos are great. Greetings.
That is my kind of garage sale!
Wow Leif! I really like the idea of Garage Sales! Unlike thrift stores or what we call here as Ukay-Ukay, you get to meet the previous owners and you get to have not just the thing you wish to buy but the importance that comes with it! I hope someone will have one here at our place!
I would have loved to go to that!
a garage sale! count me in! ^0^
it's like going to a treasure hunt, you never know what you wil find...^-^
have you bought anything?!
Wow, I feel I could investigate the place very attentively :-) Which side of the show were you? Selling or buying? Or making daily photo from far above?
Two questions: 1) What did you have to eat? and 2) What else did you buy.
Oops, 3 questions: 3) Did you get in free with a food donation?
It's nice to see Minneesotans enjoying themselves inside a large community center where they only need to wear one jacket and one pair of gloves!
I like the first photo, it's so full of color and action.
Wow! And here in Michigan, we have to wait for "garage sale season" for garage sales in the nice warm air and thunderstorms; in Minnisooota they are so much more clever!
(Where are you standing, btw? Just wondering...)
Three Rivers Daily Photo
How very nice to see, something close to impossible over here in Athens, Greece.
A wonderful Friday for you all.
What a coincidence that you and «Louis» have both got the same Coffee logos on your blogs...
Markets like this is always wonderful to browse through as you always find something interesting.
Ooh, a white elephant! Looks like fun, both the buyers and the sellers :D
I'd like to browse around, and I'm sure I'll find something I like.
I am a garage sale freak (thrift shops, too....) so I didn't even bother to enlarge your photo, since I'd have seen something I like, and I'm so faaaar away.....
I love American garage sales. It is so much fun for somebody like me who likes buying cheap things :-)))
You expressed exactly what I felt when I saw the sunrays sticking out (?) of the clouds.....
Now that is handy -to have it all in one space!!
I have a Dutch thank you to add to your languages: Dank U wel - no typos:).
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