If you're looking for a 4 bedroom, 4 bathroom house in Eagan, why not buy this house which is on the market for
$450,000. It was built in 1991 on .43 acre and has a 4 car garage, 2 family rooms, living room, dining room & kitchen. With
3,640 square feet, you would have plenty of room!
www.Wendy Carson.com
c'est une grande et belle maison, mais je ne me rends pas compte si cela fait cher ou pas par rapport au quartier
What a wonderful house. It's a vision of house.
wow, i like the place, but i'm loving more of its interior! ^0^
can i have a quick tour inside?
After all the bad publicity re. people and their "too-large" houses with accompanying utilities, taxes, etc. I am always surprised when realtors offer these for sale. Hope the potential buyers have the right capital to make it work without adding to the list of bankrupt homes! I'm ready to downsize so this large home, despite its beauty and your good post, doesn't appeal to me at all.
Interesting contrast between the prices in Eagan and out here on the Left Coast. The price for the home in Eagan would buy a home half that size here in the Bay Area, though the prices would be comparable in places like the San Joaquin Valley.
Wow das Bad und die Küche gefallen mir. Diese Immobilienfirma Remax gibt es bei uns in Berlin auch. Ich glaube das ist so Franchising System.
Herzliche Grüsse
P.S. Hast Du Lust auf Kino?;-)
beautiful house, you'll got rooms for everything... hope it would be yours.. :)
Beautiful but too big for me!
I always wonder what people do with houses this big PLUS a 4-car garage!
Thanks, but I think we'll pass. Commuting would be a nightmare
That looks like a great house but I don't think I can take all that partying that goes on in Eagan :)
So you're selling real estate now? I'll bet you'll get a commission if someone buys it after seeing your photos.
I'll pass, though. It's way too big, way too expensive, and it isn't located in Florida! Hah!
Leif! This look wonderful! Looks so clean and so fresh! If only I live in the States and have that much money, I would definitely buy that :D
You know, my problem would be commuting...
Ja Du hast recht es sind Kinderfilme. In den grossen Kinos in Berlin laufen die neusten Hollywoodfilme und in den kleinen Kinos mehr ältere oder besondere Filme.
Aber ich hatte auch recht der Winter ist noch nicht vorbei...es schneit wieder in Berlin.
Herzliche Grüsse from the snowy Berlin
Too big for me, but it is beautiful.
Stort og fint.
Er det VANLIG med fire garasjer??
Are the houses usually for sale with furniture or is it just for the photo?
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