I bought
2 Powerball lottery tickets at the neighborhood
Holiday gas station on Thursday morning after putting gas in my car. If I win the
$140 million on Saturday night, my lump sum after taxes would be about
$70 million, give or take a few million. What would
YOU do with that money?
Spend it!
:D Laulau
Breathe a sigh of relief...money worries over. :-)
Actually, I think having that kind of money is probably not that much fun. Standing in line at the supermarket next to all those slick magazines makes me realize that many rich people are not as happy as I am.
Donate most of it to improve quality of life globally.
A lot of money, people may not know how to spend.
I've fantasized about this for years, and I have a terrific plan in place: trust funds for children and grandchildren, a foundation for children in poverty in Mexico and selective US states (health and education primarily), large chunk to UNICEF, and a spending spree. I'll even provide a trans-atlantic trip for you, too, Leif!
My friends laugh at my poor investment in the lottery, but, hey, if you don't buy a ticket you can't win the lottery, right?!,
I've already saved $10,844.56 by not playing any lottery games for the past 10 years.
Guess who comes out ahead in this plot (The Lottery) to relieve you of your cash?
You can't win if you don't play....guess I don't have to worry about what I'd do with the money then.
Get a part time job, travel a lot, donate money and time and have enough time to do all the things I want to do! Bonne chance.
The stories of past winners aren't very inspiring, isn't that right? But you'd do just find I think. :-)
Buying new camera and lenses:) Good luck with the lottery!
Travelling around the world. Too bad, I never had any luck in lottery.
I'd build the biggest, happy, clappy church I could with real solid gold Solid Gold Dancer outfits, then I'd buy you a nice bottle of vino, cuz I like you:)
I would put it in the bank and when I want it I will take it out of the bank.
I would donate at least half to help poor people. Share a portion with my family and friends. Travel. I could go on... but for now I'll just wish you good luck and keep my fingers crossed that you win!!!
I told Patty, my teeth rattled. She was just scared when the planes flew over twice. There was a nearby air show.
You will let everyone know if you win, so we can come visit you in your new Minnesota ice mansion?
Three Rivers Daily Photo
«Louis» would buy a Congresscritter. They all seem to be for sale...
First of all sharing half of it with my family.
The other half would get into the "home" I'd like to provide over here for homeless, named after a Norwegian boy in a movie; providing food, medicine and for all those kids, most of all, education.
What a nice dream that it would be realised, at half past four in the night, thank you. A wonderful Sunday for you all.
Personally, I would buy a lifetime supply of fig leifs! ;-)
Well... We would take you out for the best lunch you've ever had. In Paris, chez Maxim's.
We'll have a coffee with what money's left.
After bemoaning the fact that the IRS takes 50%, I would do this, in no particular order:
--buy a condo or small house in the US, place to be determined;
--fix up my place here;
--travel a lot, but not necessarily in grand style;
--donate some money to a lymphoma society;
--give some to my kids;
--buy a snazzy camera, but then again why? Mine is fine.
--Not go overboard...
Basically, although those seem like big changes, they're not really, since except for buying the house in the US, I can already do the rest.
But it would be a thrill to win! Oh...and yes, I'd make it a point in my travels to meet my cyber-photoblogger friends, which I've also done a bit of!
I'd sit back and enjoy life :)
I would share with ALL my cousins.
I will disappear!
Good Luck! :-)
I seriously don`t know what I would have done with so much money.
Oh the possibilities are endless ;D
Much luck!
Visit Eagan!
I would go to EAGAN!!!!
I haven't seen an electronic board advertising the prizes like this before.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
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