Fellow Eagan Rotarian Michael Proebstle and I represented the
Eagan Rotary Club at the
Centennial Celebration lunch at the University of Minnesota on Friday. Rotarians from Rotary Districts 5950 and 5960 gathered to celebrate
100 years of Rotary in Minnesota. Minneapolis Rotary Club #9 was founded on February 18 while the Rotary Club of St. Paul was founded one day later. There are now over 33,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries with 1.2 million Rotarians.
Rotary International President John Kenny from Scotland gave the keynote address. We toasted champagne glasses filled with clean water to remember one of Rotary International's biggest global goals: improving and providing clean water!
Minneapolis Club President Vicki Turnquist, Rotary International President Kenny and I posed for a photo after the lunch concluded.
A hundred years of doing good.
Good on ya.
That's a lot of lunches.
I would have said something similar as Steffe.
You lucky man, Leif!! :-)
Anyway, I hope you had plenty of champagne after the water!
beaux joueurs de cornemuses et c'est pas facile a en jouer
«Louis» tips his hat to you for reminding people of the good Rotary does in our communities and he salutes the Eagan Rotary for its 100 years of service to the community.
Eagan Rotary was founded in 1987 but Minneapolis #9 and St. Paul Rotary #10 clubs were both founded in February 1910. Those two clubs were among the first 10 clubs in the world. Now there are 33,000 Rotary clubs in the world!
I really like the eardrum shattering sound of the bagpipes ;D Cheers!
Lieber Leif,
ich habe Deine Wünsche nicht vergessen ( Friedrichstrasse und Brandenburger Tor). Das werde ich auch demnächst machen. Ich hoffe Dir geht es gut?! Das Wetter ist jetzt auch wieder besser so das ich wahrscheinlich wieder regelmässiger posten werde. Ich würde mich freuen von Dir zu lesen. Bis bald...
Herzliche Grüsse aus Berlin
Looks fine ... except for water in the champagne glasses of course! :-)
Sounds like a fun party. I always like a good glass of water. :D
You are to be congratulated.
Danke für Deine Mail! Mir geht es genauso wie Dir ...ich hoffe auch auf den Frühling! Aber ich glaube der Winter ist noch nicht ganz vorbei.
Ich sage es mal auf berlinerisch...Ich habe die Schnauze voll vom Winter! Bis bald...
A worthy toast indeed. What could be more important?
Looking at Eagan every day life through your eyes I am completely sure now that this is the most socialising, lunching, dining and celebrating city in the world :-))
One hundred years, huh? Funny, you don't look quite that old! Glad to see that you found one more reason to eat!
Wow, Leif, that is magnificent! The oldest club in Houston was founded in 1912, so in two years they'll be able to have a celebration such as this. The club I'm in was founded in 1992, so maybe my great-great-great-great-great grandchildren can celebrate on my behalf! Great job!!
Thank you for all the work done and introducing me to a club of which i did not hear before.
A wonderful Tuesday for you all.
100 years, what a long journey.. congratulation..
A whole century, wow. Lots of good work.
cheers! congrats! and more power! ^0^
Congratulations Rotary Minnesota on 100 years of doing good. What a joyous occasion!
So Eagan Rotary is fast approaching 25 years too ... job well done ...
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