The "Ring Mountain Creamery Cafe" was established in August 2007 by the Ringberg Family. They offer 24 out of 48 ice cream flavors in one glass case and 24 out of 35 Gelato (Italian ice cream) in another glass case! The ice cream is all handmade on location; some of the most delicious, super-premium ice cream is all of EAGAN! They also offer coffee and other food but I'm in love with their ice cream! Hurry over to their store at 1965 Cliff Lake Road! I had to get there early in the morning to beat the crowds for this photo!
It looks delicious!
hummmm, I want some!
looks so delicious!
That does look delicious! Bring on the chocolate gelato for me.
You had to rush over to beat the crowds to get a picture? Heh. Heh! What was your excuse the day before?
I wouldn't mind trying a couple of those flavors...is the ice cream creamy or icy?
When I used to pretend to do useful things, I could never eat ice cream during the day 'cause I'd get dabs of it on my nose, or down my shirt front, or, on some days, on my shoes, which the dog then licked off.
It's a sad story, but I hope it doesn't depress you too much and you can find the strength to go on and do the job you're supposed to do when you're not playing on the computer.
I think I'll go take photos now.
I do like ice cream and I would be a good customer if I lived near this place. It looks delicious.
Thanks for coming over and commenting on the Internet.
You can never go wrong with Italian ice cream.
Lecker, lecker, lecker
Thanks to follow me on Funchal Daily Photo blog.
Paulo Camacho
Yum it looks really excellent (I hope it is good as it appears) :-) --- ...Abd thank you for visiting my blog !
Mmmmmmm! My kind of place, ;-)
Wow wonderful ice creams !! Really loved the shot !! Thanks for the comments on my blog Unseen Rajasthan..Yes Lief i am planning to start a Jaipur Daily Photo Blog !! Very Soon..Do check my another blog also i.e.Unseen Rajasthan
«Louis» is all for promoting dairy products! ;-)
He's also VERY particular about ice cream. He ONLY likes TWO kinds:
home-made or store-bought....
God morgen fra Stavanger! ;-)
Takk for kommentar på foto av dronning Sonja.
Jeg vil kikke mer på bloggene dine senere.
Ha en fin dag!
Iskremen ser deilig ut, og den ville jeg ha smakt
I stopped because of your very norwegian name, and as a reward for that I found that you have a big collection of great photos to look at!
Delish! Save me a scoop of chocolate will you?
Humm toutes ces glaces, cela donne envie, mais très très mauvais pour mon régime ;o))
Humm all these ice cream , it makes you want, but very very bad for my diet ;o))
Hm, looks yummy:-)
Re your comment:
You know what, it's Borobudur, the famous and biggest Buddhist temple in the world.
it's very old indeed, dating from 8th and 9th centuries!
I thank you for leave comment on my blog (despite you didn't knew what it means....cos written in Indonesian)
Hi Leif, vielen Dank für deine netten Kommentare. Du hast einen sehr guten Humor und bringst mich zum lachen. Ich freue mich immer von Dir zu lesen. Ist es ok wenn ich Dir in Deutsch schreibe? Du weisst meine Englisch ist nicht so gut.
Happy Weekend:-)und herzliche Grüsse aus Berlin
P.S. Das Eis sieht sooooo lecker aus!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. (: Yummy Yummy Yummy, I got ice in my tummy.
Buenos Aires Photo
Umm..you make it difficult now. I like Chocolate, but Starberry is inviting too. Not to mention the green one at the left side is also nice.
Like them all :)
ice cream never fails to please
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