Thursday, July 2, 2009

H is for Holiday!

Holiday is a big gas station chain in our area. Almost across the street from my office, the gas costs $2.63 per gallon. How much is gas where you live?


Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hello Leif,Our gas here in Picayune, Ms. is about 2.47...Yesterday it was 2.54...I've never been to Minn,but I had several friends from there.All good people.They thought we talked funny,But we thought they talked funny too...LOL.
You have a great 4th,be safe.It was 102 in the shade here yesterday so stay cool also.
XXOO Marie Antionette

Yukinori Katayama said...

120 yen/litre in Hiroshima,Japan appromately 4.65dollar/gallon!

Lois said...

$2.49 right now, but who knows what it will be tomorrow. It seems to change every day!

Rob Siemann said...

Already back from Paris? That was a short trip!

Anonymous said...

In Liechtenstein und der Schweiz kostet ein Liter Benzin derzeit 1,65 Schweizer Franken.
(1 US Gallon = 3,7854 Liter)
Ziemlich teuer!!

Lowell said...

Nicely composed photo, Safe Leif. I dunno about gas, 'cause I gotta buy premium which is between $2.90 and $3.00...

Glad to note that you're safely home. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

$2.98 in Sacramento, CA.

Leeds in Yorkshire pictures - Paul said...

Hi Leif
Here in Yorkshire $7.67 per gallon (£1.03 per litre X 4.65 litres to gallon) then converted to $. So I reckon $2.63 is a good deal!

GMG said...

This price is outrageously cheap: we pay roughly the equivalent to 8 (eight) USDollars per US gallon... ;)

this too will pass said...

101 pence per litre for diesel in the UK

Susan said...

Was in your neck of the woods yesterday...Pilot Knob Road sound familiar?

Fi said...

Hi Leif! Here in NZ gas is @$1.48 per litre.

andrej said...

Hi! In Germany (Saxony) the litre gas is Euro 1,309. This is 1,8312 Dollar per litre or 6,94 Dollar per Gallon... bye

Tussy said...

Yes, like you comment in my blog. Thailand has many grades of Gas, not like yours :)

but Gas station name sort of cute!