Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Eagan sled team

Lots of snow fell during the Christmas holiday! Here are my sledding champions: Flicka, Dicka & Ricka. Have you sledded down a snow-hill lately?
Olympic sledding uniforms "sponsored" by the Hannah Andersson store.


Mo said...

Love the suits and the bright sleds

Olivier said...

de vrai petits top modèle ;)

brattcat said...

They really do look like a darling illustration from a children's storybook.

Kate said...

Now all they need are a team of Huskies to pull the sleds!

Lois said...

No I can't say that I have done that lately! Very cute!

B SQUARED said...

Looks like they are ready to do some serious snow shredding.

VP said...

Lovely shot, very nice uniforms! Last time I sledded... no, you won't believe this!

Judy said...

No, but we slid down one on foot. (Not as much fun) That's a nice looking team you have there.

Kuka Girl said...

Rauf!!! Rauf rauf rauf rauf rauf rauf rauf rauf!!!! Rauf-rauf!!

(Translation: Hello!! My favourite colours are ruby and navy blue!!! Thank you!!!)

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

A very colorful crew! Great shot.
Three Rivers Daily Photo

EG CameraGirl said...

No, I haven't. But it sure does sound like fun!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

No, I haven't and maybe will never be. Unfortunately, there's no snow in this side of the world. Oh! I can try, we have an artificial snow in Ski Dubai but I still need to travel, around 120 kms from my place.

By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and for welcoming me to CPD community.

Happy New Year to you and to your family.

Best regards,
Misalyn of Al Ain, United Arab Emirates

Anonymous said...

The best of luck and always two hands full of snow beneath their sled.

Years since last I saw, felt snow on me own. Remember however going to school way back in time with my sled. All the best for you all and a nice Wednesday as well.

Aimz said...

oh how cool! we don't get snow here.

Kaori said...

Oh those girls look ready to rock 'n roll down the hill! Great shot :D

Gunn said...

Cute and trendy girls!:-) Have FUN!!

cieldequimper said...

:-)) Cool! Neat even (hey I'm talking American, that's the 2nd comment today using "neat"!) Cute, too!
Just in case I haven't already done so: bonne année !

Carlos Lorenzo said...

The blend of patterns and colors is beautiful and interesting. I like the harmony between the pink hats, the blue pants, the left sleigh and the right one. I think someone has arranged the group in a perfect combination for the picture ;)

Dina said...

Ah, the joy of winter and of childhood.
My last time was when sleds were made of wood and metal and had a rope and you steered with your feet.

Halcyon said...


Unknown said...

So cute! :-)

Lowell said...

Cute kids for sure. I understand Swedes are born with sledding skills. Or maybe I'm thinking of other skills?

Not really in "full swing" yet, but thanks for the good wishes. And may you and yours also have a wonderful new year, filled with your usual antics!

magiceye said...

they look so cute!

Andreea said...

Very cute team :) Can't wait to see them in the winter Olympics :)

Rob Siemann said...

Will you be sending them to Vancouver next month? They look ready to wear their 7 or 8 gold medals (each!)!