Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Election Day

November 8 was a national day for elections in the United States. In Eagan, we only voted on members for our local school board. My wife and I voted in the Red Pine Elementary School gymnasium. How do elections work where you live?


Rob Siemann said...

Well, living abroad, I vote at the french consulate nearby. Internet vote will be possible soon. But there are other ways to tell politicians what I think of them. said...

Julie and I always request an early ballot by mail. We vote at our kitchen table. We did not have an election in our town, but yesterday Phoenix elected a new mayor -- someone who used to work for us about a dozen years ago -- and in Mesa the voters recalled and replaced the President of the Arizona Senate who was he leader of the anti-immigration movement in Arizona. It is the first time in US history that the leader of a State Legislature has been recalled.

Louis la Vache said...

How do elections work where «Louis» lives?
They work Chicago-style: there is a mass resurrection from the local cemeteries, and a ghostly trail to the voting booths. This in an area which doesn't need such shenanigans as the perpetrators of this already hold the levers of power...

JTG (Misalyn) said...

As a Filipino expat here in the UAE, we usually vote in the Philippine consulate office or Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi.

Jack said...

This looks pretty informal. In West Hartford, little old ladies still usher voters into a booth, where one pulls a lever one way to close a curtain behind, marks an electronic ballot, then opens the curtains by pulling the lever in the opposite direction.

Anonymous said...

...hmmm, to be honest, not at all ;)

Please have a good Thursday.

daily athens photo

Randy said...

They work pretty much the same here.

Kate said...

A rather low and sad turnout!

Bergson said...

en France, les élections utilisent les mairies et les écoles.

Les isoloirs pour voter sont entièrement fermés par des rideaux