In 1880, a group of German Lutheran immigrants started
Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church in what is now northeastern Eagan. At that time, the church was called "Evangelische Lutheranische Dreieinigkeits Kirche."
Located at 2950 Highway 55, this Missouri Synod Lutheran Church and school stand as a pillar in their community.
belle architecture cette eglise
I dont't understand what you said about the followers in blog.
Paulo Camacho
Nice shot, Leif! I might disagree with you about Misery synod and pillars, though.
Simple building that is simply magnificent. Love the details on top.
It's a beautiful church. I like their name too.
Beautiful photo of the church Leif :)
Great building!!
What a great Church !! I loved this post..Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan
Nice building from German origion. We have a Luthren church here to, but I have never really been there. I have been to the Swedish Luthren church ones in Sweden, but I wasn't a fan. In Sweden it is a state church with state politics, so they do talk more on environmental issues and other state doctrines...
Wow super photo! Sehr schöne Kirche...tolle architektur. Vielen Dank Leif für Deine deutsche Info zu Rotary.org. Ich schau mir das die nächsten Tage mal in Ruhe an.
Ach so bevor ich es vergesse...Du hast mich wieder schön zum lachen gebracht mit Deiner Milka Schokolade...hahaha! Bis bald:-)
This church is nice and look like to castle.
Impressive building, could be anywhere in northern Europe, Germany, Sweden...
Was lese ich da wegen Milka Schokolade??? Ich bin auch ein grosser Fan. Man braucht Kalorien wenn man Tuerme baut in Katalunien. Wheaties reichen da nicht!
Fantastic building!
Impressive one.
nice angle and image for today. i like the red brick and design.
Impressive building, I like the flowers at the entrance.
Beautiful church and impressive building. I think there are two ABC Wednesdays.
Hi Leif! Another week has passed without a chance to drop by. It seems time runs faster when you get to a certain age... ;)
Interesting shot!
Blogtrotter is trying to have fun in the Turkish Riviera. Enjoy and have a marvellous weekend!
Wonderful architecture!
Impressive church, classical in style, I like it!
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