pink flowers are an expanding bunch of color and
"Worthy of a postcard." The August theme day in the
City Daily Photo blog community is: "Worthy of a postcard." I'm sending you cyber greetings from our
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Les fleurs n'ont pas l'air contentes...
Ce doit être tôt le matin : elles devaient être en train de dormir.
You can't miss with flowers, esp. if they are part of your personal landscape. I'd buy it!
Happy August, Leif!
You're good to do these monthly theme days.
Best, K
Waning summer too.
I love coneflowers!
Now this is a different take on our theme today and why not. What lovely flowers. I've never seen them here, only in America. But they must exist.
I've not forgotten your postcard (I lie, I went in to Monaco and I did forget - so next time...)
Very original and colorful theme post.
They are so pretty and they almost look like they are wearing skirts!
I photographed some of these flowers in Seattle. They do look angry...
that cone family is one beautiful family!
Hey! Just browsing the portal and saw your fellow Minnesotan published the same flowers today!!!
These would look good in a home garden.
Excellent! Coneheads?
Original postcard from Eagan. I was expecting to see SNL and Dan Ackroyd in eagan!
They seem ready to shoot up! Love these flowers, Leif! Hope you're girls are enjoying Voilin Institute :D
Those flowers are ready to fly, ther wings are prepared.
Barcelona Daily Photo
NO!!!!!!!!! It's the Coneheads from SNL! :)
I always wonder why these are called PURPLE coneflowers when it's so obvious that they are pink. :))
Great choice Leif :)
Lovely flowers. My daughter was given a handful of cone flower seeds at a wildlife camp recently. Cone flowers attract butterflies, apparently. We're going to bring the seeds back to Beirut and plant them in our window boxes. I think they'll love the temperate climate.
Looks especially nice! I've never had any cone flowers, but always loved gifting them to people. Thanks!
Cheap international calls
Yah, I was wondering if there were Coneheads living there, too! LOVE SNL. I bet really, really cool people live there...
Jag hade de där blommorna i min brudbukett, de är så vackra :) tyvärr har dom dött ut i min trädgård nu...Ha en trevlig helg :)
Beautiful Echinacea.
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