Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Disk it up!

Earlier this Spring, it was funny to see a 24 acre parcel of farmland surrounded in a commercial and residential area of central Eagan. For just US$5 million, "Gonyea Land Company" will sell it to you. Otherwise, a farmer will keep planting corn. Disk up the land and plant some crops!


Kate said...

I'd rather have a farmer on the land rather than sell it to a developer.

Olivier said...

une belle ancienne machine agricole

Hilda said...

Fascinating piece of equipment. Makes for a great shot too.

Smart owner. Others would have sold out ages ago.

Dina said...

I love to watch a field being disced.

Once an old timer at Heifer Ranch (www.heifer.org) tried it with his two mules. He let me sit on the little metal seat and hold all those reins, just for a photo. But I didn't go anywhere, fearing I might be bounced off and fall on the ground and get harrowed.