Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ellsworth's "stuff"

It snowed this last week in Eagan. Our view out our office window is beautiful; however, Ellsworth's "stuff" in his backyard does detract from the scene. Can you determine what he's got back there?


diane b said...

It is very beautiful. How do you get any office work done when surely all you want to do is gaze out of the window.

Dina said...

Snow! I miss snow. Yours is so pretty, even if the next yard reminds me of my years in Arkansas.
(I loved Arkansas, trailers and all.)

brattcat said...

I like Ellsworth's stuff. It looks like Vermont to me. ( :

Allison said...

Dina, you couldn't have said it better! It is a bit "Arkansas" like out there. If we cross our eyes a bit, we don't see all the "stuff" as much:)

Lois said...

That is a lot of stuff, but the snow makes it seem not so bad!

Small City Scenes said...

I see bunches of 'STUFF'. Maybe a fire would warm you all up. MB

Mitch said...

I've heard that Moscow is beautiful in the winter because the snow hides all the dirt. That's an old comment, now that the Soviet days are gone, int maybe different. I hope I don't offend any Moscovites. Your nieghbor the hoarder with all the broken pickup toppers is definately helped out by a good thick blanket of snow!

Marie said...

It's very sunny here but we find it cold today. I shivered when I saw your beautiful photo. I didn't "determine" what there was there :-))

Andreea said...

Beautiful view. It snowed timidly in Bucharest too, but no snow gathered on the ground yet. Looks like I won't be able to post my "look at all this snow" shot yet :)

Ilse said...

Such a beautiful view. And the snow is so pristine. & it looks like the temperature is way down.

Rob Siemann said...

Some Ellsworth bicycles buried in the snow???

Cezar and Léia said...

Magnificent picture, I loved it and all snow, so beautiful!

Eki said...

scenes like this often remind me of my snowy days in the northeastern USA. great for a holiday experience, but can't stand the freeze for too long ... though it's beautiful.

Kajsa said...


Janet said...

Looks like some kind of hood and maybe a boat? Don't know about the rest. Sure gives you something to think about while you look out the window at work!

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Beautiful Snowfall !! I always love ice but there is no rain even in our area so snowfall is impossible..Unseen Rajasthan

VP said...

I can't! Would you help us, please?

Stefan Jansson said...

I'd like to see a summer version of this!

Rune A Karlsen (Bildebloggen) said...

It is nice with snow, are you going skiing this weekend? Have a nice weekend :)

Lowell said...

Snow is not romantic. It is icy and cold and turns dirty and messy quickly.

So when are you moving south?

cieldequimper said...

Non, but does it matter? :-)

Anonymous said...

What a delight to see, as it has been years for me eyes to get snow in for real - however still wonder where all the white goes once it melts away.
If that would be a lake it surely would make a wonderful place to skate.
Please have a nice Sunday.

wilbo43 said...

My guess: An old truck, a campervan and a ute (pickup) top. It doesn't look too bad in winter. Summer might be another matter. Two options, get yourself elected onto the local council or offer to buy all his stuff then dump it. Sorry, this comment is probably not helpful.
Thanks for visiting our blogs. Merry Christmas and all the best wishes for the new year.

Hilda said...

All I can recognize is an old wagon. But don't worry, everything looks wonderful under the snow!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis», had he not been late to the party would have suggested
"Red Neck" and Arkansas, too, but too many others beat him to it!

hee hee hee
How stereotypes are born!

cara said...

Wow - what a view! I don't think I would ever get tired of seeing snow so perfect.

marley said...

I think it looks a fine view. Lovely.

Aimz said...

wow what a view! We don't get snow where we are in nz so photos like this are a treat.