Claude and I walked through the auction house's exhibition rooms of their upcoming auction objets d'art: paintings, furniture, antiques; etc. Hôtel des ventes DROUOT is located in Paris' 9th arrondisement.
Later, we watched a nearby, live painting auction at ROSSINI Auction House. Madame le Commissaire Priseur said "Les enchères de ce tableau débutent avec une mise à prix de 60,000 EUR. 61,000 à ma droite....65,000 à ma gauche...71,000 devant moi.... 80,000 au fond de la salle. 80,000 une fois; 80,000 deux fois; 80,000 trois fois! Clac! J'adjuge le tableau pour 80,000 EUR à Monsieur MONTAND assis au fond de la salle." (The sale of this painting begins with a price of 60,000 Euros. 61,000 on my right; 65,000 on my left; 71,000 in front of me; 80,000 in the last row. 80,000 going once; 80,000 going twice; 80,000 going three times! Bang! Sold for 80,000 Euros to Mr. Montand sitting in the back row.)